
7 Reasons Why You Need Personal Training After Rehab

Even Though Your Rehab May Be Coming to an End, It Doesn’t Mean You Should Stop Exercising…


Discover WHY You Should Continue With Our Safe & Effective Personal Training Program at Back In Motion


You might be eager for things to get back to normal after your rehabilitation. However, the recovery process takes longer as we age.


In addition to this, most people in their fifties or over have other concerns such as weight gain, menopause, mental health, slow metabolism, and other health issues.


Keeping up with your family, career, and social life can become a daily struggle.


Now that your therapy has ended or is about to, the real work begins. Keeping your mind sharp, energy levels up, and your body fit takes discipline.


Don’t think you can do it by yourself. It won’t happen.


Remember your New Year’s resolution last year… and the year before that? Studies show that about 80% of new year’s resolutions fail.


You need constant motivation and guidance from a professional personal trainer who understands your needs. Do not despair!


In this article, you’ll learn why you should sign up for personal training at Back in Motion to look and feel the best you’ve felt in years.


Don’t Lose All Your Momentum Because Your Therapy Has Ended…


Moving forward after therapy takes lots of help. Physical therapy restores movement and function in the parts of your body impaired by disease, injury, or disability.


Physical Therapists use a holistic approach to healing your body. They look at more than just your bad knees, hip, or back.


They understand that all of your muscle groups work together along with the benefits of proper nutrition.


As you know, a good P.T. motivates you to work harder than you would by yourself.


7 Reasons Why You Should Do Personal Training at Back In Motion


There are seven reasons you feel better after a few physical therapy sessions.


They are the same reasons why you need to keep exercising afterward.


1) Rebuild Your Muscles – Strength training after physical therapy is necessary to rebuild muscles. Lack of exercise causes muscles to waste away. A symptom like low back pain is often a sign of weak muscles. Exercise routines specific to your needs help you to recover muscle mass. Stronger muscles burn more calories for weight loss, and they keep you energized. Therefore, adequately supervised strength training complements the physical therapist’s work.


2) Restoring Bone Strength and Density – A sedentary lifestyle leads to muscle loss. Lack of exercise and exertion leads to weaker bones. Beginning strength training not only builds muscle but adds density to the bones too. A qualified personal trainer can provide various resistance training exercises to reverse bone density loss without the risk of injury.


3) Improves Mental Health – Exercising creates a positive mental effect. Strength training is an integral part of physical therapy because of its positive mental health benefits. People who survive long-term injury or illness may suffer from depression. Physical training has proven to lift the spirits along with building muscle.


4) Boosts Your Metabolism – A healthy metabolism is critical to good health. Without a robust metabolism, our bodies cannot utilize the nutrients in food needed for healing. Proper exercise and strength training dramatically boosts your metabolism.


5) Exercise Decreases Muscle Pain – Strength training exercises can alleviate chronic muscle pain long-term, without drugs or side effects. Specific exercises regenerate lost muscle cells which also help to rehabilitate the joints. Exercising after physical therapy complements the body’s natural ability to self-heal and relieve pain.


6) Combating Immobility – Generally, physical therapy’s objective is to restore mobility and control while reducing pain. Continued personal training after your therapy ends complements the healing process. You strengthen and preserve the muscles, bones, and heart. You’ll have better movement, balance, and flexibility with less pain.


7) Keeps You Active, Mobile, and Healthy – Wouldn’t it be great to move around easily without pain? By working out with an experienced trainer, you can help slow the aging process and prevent injury. For example, a strong core can help prevent back injury and stronger arms let you safely carry heavy items. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and stroke.


Unfortunately, once therapy ends, so does the motivation.


People will return to their old habits, which contributed to the original problem.


Ashley Gray, Co-Founder of Back In Motion Physical Therapy & Performance, says, “Most people try and have a health, fitness, or weight loss goal.


Unfortunately, 73% of people drop off, never reaching their potential.”


There are many excuses why adults, age 50-79, don’t exercise:


  • My health problems
  • I don’t feel like it
  • I hate to drive or travel
  • I don’t have the time
  • I don’t like the location of the facility
  • I’m afraid I’ll hurt myself because I don’t know what I should or shouldn’t be doing


We understand.


Starting any exercise program is the most challenging part, and that’s why it’s vital to work with a personal trainer.


Even after the first session, people comment that they feel stronger and have more energy.


After the third session, they wonder why they waited so long.



The 3 Dreaded Reasons People Don’t Reach Their Fitness Goals


Ashley lists three primary reasons why they don’t make it.


  1. Not Holding Themselves Accountable – How many times have you been on the weight-loss roller coaster? There are plenty of excuses why you get on and off this roller coaster, but the real problem is a lack of accountability. If you had someone watching over you, would you still eat that extra slice of cake or half-pint of ice cream? Most likely not. When you have someone backing you and cheering you on, they keep you accountable. You are more likely to maintain your plan. It’s the reason why working out with a friend, in a group fitness class, or with a personal trainer works. They make you accountable and keep you from slipping back into bad habits. They make sure you show up, take care of business, and hold up your end of the bargain.
  2. Wrong or Boring Exercises – If you are stuck doing the same old workout routine for months, you may not see the results you got when you started. Sure, it’s easy and comfortable, but your body doesn’t respond as much anymore because it has adapted to the routine. Wrong exercises or techniques can do more harm than good. Avoiding injury is why you need to work with a personal trainer who specializes in people over 50. She will give you various exercise routines and show you the right way to work out that maximizes results while avoiding injury.
  3. Poor Eating Habits – All calories are not equal. One hundred calories from a piece of salmon are not the same as one hundred calories from a handful of potato chips. The salmon provides vital minerals and other nutrients that feed your muscles. Potato chips just give you fat, salt, and carbs. A personal trainer will help you choose satisfying foods you like that will also give your body the right kind of fuel.


A personal trainer is not a drill sergeant who will badger you into submission.


They are highly-trained motivators and a tremendous asset you can lean on to help you lose weight or achieve any fitness level you desire. However, not all personal trainers are alike.


The Problem with Ordinary Gym Coaching or Trying to Do It On Your Own…


Let’s face it. If you are over 50, do you really want to work out in the typical gym environment? Are you comfortable being surrounded by sweaty men pumping iron or young women, well, pumping?


Besides the environment, typical gym coaches aren’t much help if you just started working out again or coming off physical therapy for an injury. They treat everyone alike, whether they have bad knees or bad backs. They’ll sit there and count off reps while you are in pain. They can cause you to injure yourself by overdoing it.


Most coaches from gyms don’t know how to construct a program specifically for your needs that’s both safe and effective. Typically, they understand the importance of nutrition but can’t help you customize a nutrition plan tailored to you.


The Benefits of Our Personal Training is Program


As we’ve mentioned, motivation and accountability are two significant factors to achieving weight loss and fitness success. A personal trainer is your knight in shining armor who is part cheerleader, part strength coach, and part nutritionist rolled into one.


An AARP survey studying adults’ exercise attitude and behaviors between the ages of 50 to 79 found that these folks were more likely to maintain their fitness programs if they committed to an exercise group or trainer.


You will have days where frustration and self-doubting, negative thoughts creep into your head. You’ll want to give up and run to the nearest pastry shop. The motivation and guidance of a personal fitness professional can keep you on course. He or she is the support system you need for positive reinforcement. They give you that motivational burst of encouragement and energy to keep pushing on.


Why You Should Choose Back in Motion for Your Fitness and Health Needs


Here’s why BIM Fitness and Performance personal trainers are the right choice for you. All our trainers have bachelor’s degrees and are NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) certified.


Our female clients appreciate the one-on-one attention. Working with our certified personal trainers, they design safe and effective exercise programs. Working with them is the best way to achieve your weight and fitness goals.


Reason #1: A Tailored Approach with Motivational Support


Your body and physical condition are unique. Your personal trainer will customize their approach based on your fitness goals and ability. You will train at a pace that challenges you yet matches your physical condition.


Our trainers get to know you and develop a personal Fitness Success Session just for you.


Reason #2: The Fitness Success Session


BIM Fitness and Performance developed the Fitness Success Session. It’s a unique personalized system proven to help you enjoy better health and exercise without the risk of injury you find at typical gym facilities. You’ll enjoy exercising more and see results faster because it’s developed especially for you.


Best of all, you’ll be part of an online community that will encourage your every step and helps keep you motivated. With this support, you will experience positive results in just a few sessions.


Reason #3: We’ll Make Sure You’re Exercising Safely


A Doctor of Physical Therapy oversees every plan we make so that there is no risk of pains, strains, or injuries during your workouts.


This is unlike joining a local gym and hoping for the best.


Our program is backed by science and our number one goal is to ensure you don’t get hurt after your physical therapy.



Here’s How You Can Get Started With Our Personal Training Program


Try Out Our Personal Training Services For 30 Days


It’s pretty easy to get set up with a personal trainer from BIM Fitness and Performance. It’s a quick three steps, and there is never any obligation.


Step 1Fill Out the Form – You choose a convenient time to visit our facility. Why not make a day of it and bring a friend or two?


Step 2 – Attend Your 30 Minute Consultation – We will sit together and discuss your goals, health issues, and concerns. You’ll have all your questions answered. Plus, we’ll learn what has worked for you and what didn’t.


Step 3 – We’ll Create Your Roadmap – Once we know more about you, you’ll receive a health and fitness plan that includes a proven nutritional blueprint. You’ll see what you should be doing and what to avoid.


Typically, this consultation costs $200. However, for a limited time, BIM Fitness and Performance provides the first consultation at no charge. You just call us at (239) 829-6215 or click the Complimentary Consultation Here.


““Personal training at BIM Fitness & Performance has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I now feel the best I’ve felt in years and so can you!”


““I’ve tried many other gyms and trainers in the past, nothing worked. It wasn’t until I came to BIM Fitness & Performance that I’m now seeing the results that I’ve been looking for.”


“I had been doing a lot of Pilates but needed to do strength training too. With the customized training program and coaching I have received at Back In Motion I am the strongest that I have ever been with a lot more energy.”


Without Continued Fitness Training, You Risk Losing Your Mobility And Independence


People who don’t exercise regularly become sedentary and gain weight. Those who had physical therapy to overcome an injury are even more at risk once treatment ends.


In a 2016 study, occupational therapists provided instruction to stroke patients to do home exercise programs (HEP). None of the participants finished the entire six-month program because there was no accountability when doing exercises alone.


You Lose About 11% of Muscles After Only Ten Days Without Exercise


You lose muscles much faster than you build them. The more strength you lose, the weaker and more sluggish and tired you become. It’s a dangerous downward health spiral.


The best time to start a training program with Back in Motion is right now. If you are still in therapy, it accelerates your progress. If you’ve finished treatment, don’t wait another day.


A government study of 232 men and women who had suffered broken hips revealed that the people who continued a training program for six months after treatment ended “showed significant improvement in functional mobility.”


You’ll have the best chance of staying active, mobile, and free to live as you please with just a couple of hours per week with Back in Motion.


For people who don’t want to fade away slowly, we have an incentive.


Book your consultation this week, and we will give you 20% off a full year’s membership. That’s up to $2400 dollars you can spend on yourself.


But… You must schedule a consultation today. Click the link below.


Yes! I Want a Free Consultation and Lock-In My 20% Discount


Are You Ready To Start Your Personal Training?

Schedule a consultation today and get 20% off a full year’s membership.

About the Author: Dr. Scott Gray

Dr. Scott Gray is the Owner of Back in Motion Physical Therapy & Performance. Each and Every Week He Helps His Clients & Patients Live Their Life to the Fullest, Get Active, and Get Pain-Free.
“Physical Therapy, Fitness, & Performance Tips From Dr. Scott & the Back in Motion Team”