Three Symptoms of Knee Meniscal Tears
Three Symptoms of Knee Meniscal Tears
Knee pain can make your life feel stagnant. You might be experiencing some joint pain in your knee. You might also feel your knees grinding and making noise. This can be a result of knee meniscal tears. Read on below to see some of the symptoms that you might experience.
Knee Popping and Grinding
Knee popping and grinding are often associated with torn cartilage that is sandwiched between the bones of the knee. Most of the times, this is usually a torn meniscus. A torn meniscus is the most common cause of painful knee popping and catching. It can also be caused by an injury. For you to prevent knee popping and grinding, there are a couple of things you need to consider.
- Squat correctly
- Improve hip mobility by stretching
- Eat healthy foods to reduce stress on your knees
- Improve the angle range of motion
- Strengthen your legs with quads and hamstrings
- Get knee support if possible
Pain Across the Inside Part of Your Knee
The meniscus surrounds the joint and when torn, it can produce pain across the inside part of the knee. This pain is mostly caused by the deterioration of cartilage, or any other intense activities like sports, which may cause trauma to the knee. Listed below are some causes of inner knee pain.
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Medial collateral ligament injury
- Medial meniscus injury
- Pes anserine bursitis
- Medial plica irritation
- Knee Contusion
There are a couple of remedies that you can apply to treat and ease your inner knee pain Like:
- Home remedies
- Steroid injection
- Physical therapy
- Surgery
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Catching or Reduced Range of Motion of Your Knee
ROM or Range of Motion refers to the distance a joint can move and the direction in which it can move. There are established ranges that are considered normal for various joints of the body. There are several possible conditions that can cause you to get short ROM. Listed below are some of the things that can induce ROM of your knees.
- Dislocations
- Fracture-needs urgent care.
- Joint swelling
- Osteoarthritis
All these knee issues can easily be treated with good medical attention and supervision from a professional. Do not let it hurt when we can help you get your life back on track. Speaking of which, to learn more about our service and how we can better assist you please inquire about cost and availability by clicking here. Lastly, to see all the different ways we may be able to assist you and your knee pain be sure to check out our treatments and our FREE Guide to easing or overcoming knee pain by clicking here.
7 Simple and Fast Strategies to Reduce Achy Acute and Chronic Knee Pain
About Author: Dr. Scott Gray
Dr. Scott Gray is an internationally recognized and expert physical therapist specializing in sport, athletic, and back and neck injuries. He is the inventor of a revolutionary form of treatment called the GRAY METHOD. This type of treatment unlike others, addresses the CAUSE rather than just your SYMPTOMS with a full body approach. For more information on how to ease or overcome your injury, go to