
6 Surprising Benefits of Physical Therapy

Haven’t you heard? Physical therapy does WAY more than just help people recover from injuries.

If you’re considering physical therapy, you’re already one step closer to a safe, effective, and all-natural way to stay in motion, pain-free, for life.

Let’s take it a step even further: we’ve chosen 6 benefits of physical therapy that bring the “wow” factor. You’ll be amazed at the variety of benefits that just a few weeks of therapy can give you!

#1: Boosts Your Immune System

We’re going to start with this one, since immunity gets all the hype these days.

Physical therapy lijst van kamagra bijwerkingen is one of the BEST ways you can boost your immune system.

Here’s why:

  • Increases circulation, allowing healing nutrients to flow more freely throughout the body
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Strengthens the respiratory system

These immune-system benefits result from the combination of exercises and manual therapy that you are provided with at physical therapy

#2: Helps You Avoid Surgery

We all want to stay out of the operating room if possible, right?

Each day, physical therapy saves patients from surgery.

Patients regularly come in without much hope left. They already have a prescription for surgery and have tried multiple methods of treatment.

And then these same patients leave physical therapy with the ability to move again without pain.

A lack of mobility and pain is often erased through physical therapy alone, allowing patients to throw out that prescription for surgery.

So before putting a huge dent in your wallet with surgery that takes a lot of time to recover from (if it even works), why not find a physical therapist who specializes in your condition?

#3: Speeds up Post-Surgery Recovery

If you DO need surgery, here’s a little secret: start physical therapy BEFORE the surgery – don’t just save it for after!

Research has shown that physical therapy can significantly shorten the post-surgery recovery period, especially if it is started before surgery and continued after surgery.

A physical therapist can help decrease stiffness and increase your strength so that you’ll bounce back quicker from the operating room.

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Option 3

We realize some people may be unsure if physical therapy is right for them. Are you wondering if it’ll work or if we can help with your problem? If that sounds like you and you’d like to come see for yourself how we can help you, just fill out the simple form below so we can answer your questions.

#4: Manages Age-Related Conditions

Too many older adults accept age-related conditions such as arthritis and balance disorders as something they just can’t do anything about.

If you’re suffering with an age-related condition, there’s no need to endure any longer. Physical therapy is one of the most effective ways to manage age-related conditions such as balance problems, arthritis, and joint problems.

A physical therapist will provide you with exercises and other forms of therapy to help you manage your condition and move freely with reduced pain and stiffness.

Physical therapy is the ultimate secret to healthy aging. Within only a few weeks, you’ll benefit from stronger bones, muscles, and joints as well as decreased stiffness and pain.

Learning exercises with the professional guidance of a physical therapist means that you’ll know how to perform them correctly and safely on your own – knowledge that will come in handy for the rest of your life.

#5: Offers a Permanent Solution for Almost Any Physical Condition

Physical therapy isn’t just limited to sports injuries or accident rehabilitation.

There’s a huge range of conditions that are successfully treated with physical therapy.

Once you find a great physical therapy clinic, you have a network of specialists who you can contact directly whenever you need to (without a referral).

You might be shocked to learn that physical therapy is often the number one way to get a permanent cure for conditions such as:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Pelvic pain and disorders
  • Vertigo/balance disorders
  • Lower back pain
  • Knee pain
  • Foot & ankle problems
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Hip pain

These are just a few of many more conditions treated best with physical therapy.

And if you really want to be proactive, go to physical therapy to get preventative treatment for activity or sports-related injuries. Wouldn’t it be better to never have to deal with them in the first place?

#6: Builds Up Your Confidence

Think about it: once you get stronger, more balanced, more flexible, and overcome your pain…won’t you feel less worried about aches or injuries?

You’ll realize that physical therapy has made it safer for you to go back to your normal activities and do the things you love again.

The main goal of any physical therapist is to guide patients safely back to normal activities, including their favorite sports or hobbies, as soon as possible.

You can rest assured knowing that any activities that used to trigger your pain, balance problems, or injury won’t do that anymore…as long as you are following your physical therapy plan.

When your body is more resilient, so is your mind, and you can feel not only a greater sense of confidence, but an improved quality of life – all thanks to physical therapy!

Here’s a Quick & Easy Way You Can Get all These Benefits (and more) with Physical Therapy

Are you ready to get off the dangerous painkillers and save yourself from spending more time and money on treatments that don’t last?

Awesome – our expert physical therapists at are here to help you with that!

We know how frustrating it is to try treatment after treatment just to have the condition return. Not only are failed treatments a major mood-killer, but they are often dangerous to our physical and mental health.

As the only physical therapy in the world that practices a revolutionary cause-based treatment approach called the Gray MethodTM, we provide patients with a permanent solution.

Each day, we help people like you get off the painkillers, throw away prescriptions for unnecessary surgeries, and get back in motion again for a healthier pain-free lifestyle.

We offer Physical Therapy in Fort Myers, FL, and Physical Therapy in Cape Coral, FL.

Call our office at 239-223-0484 and schedule your appointment today!


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About the Author: Dr. Scott Gray

Dr. Scott Gray is the Owner of Back in Motion Physical Therapy & Performance. Each and Every Week He Helps His Clients & Patients Live Their Life to the Fullest, Get Active, and Get Pain-Free.
“Physical Therapy, Fitness, & Performance Tips From Dr. Scott & the Back in Motion Team”