
5 Of The Most Hated But Beneficial Exercises

Do you find leg day at the gym to be a daunting task? You’re certainly not alone! As a seasoned physical trainer, I’ve noticed that certain exercises tend to be universally dreaded, regardless of the time of day. Let’s explore some of these exercises and how they can actually benefit you.




#1 Squats


Yes, squats often top the list of exercises people try to avoid. They can be physically and mentally challenging, and many opt for less demanding leg exercises like leg extensions or leg presses instead. But here’s the thing: squats offer more than just leg toning and strength-building. They provide an excellent aerobic and cardio workout, making them a valuable addition to your routine.




#2 Deadlifts


Deadlifts have an undeserved bad reputation. People often associate them with back issues and excessive fatigue. Consequently, many gym-goers head straight to the cardio section, bypassing the barbell entirely. However, contrary to popular belief, deadlifts provide a full-body workout without leaving you exhausted. They enhance overall strength, posture, and, surprisingly, reduce the risk of injuries.




#3 Planks


A friend once told me, “Whenever someone says that a minute goes by too fast, just ask them to do a plank!” Unfortunately, this might be one of the main reasons why people hate the plank. It can be extremely uncomfortable to get down on the mat in plank position and wait for an entire minute to pass by. Sound familiar?


Well, you might already be aware of this, but planks are one of the most beneficial exercises that you can incorporate in your workout. Not only do they work with almost every muscle group in the body, but they also help you increase your stamina and endurance. Planks are also great for improving posture and balance. And if you are bored of performing the same plank workout every single day, you can also do variations of the plank to switch it up!


It might be difficult to hold the plank for more than 30 seconds in the beginning, but it can be extremely satisfying to see how your stamina increases with practice. Nothing can beat the feeling of accomplishment when you begin holding the plank for two minutes or more!


#4 Kettlebells Swings


A lot of people come to the gym dreading kettlebell swings. After all, they do look incredibly dangerous. Most people think that they would be prone to injury with this exercise, which is why they stay as far away from kettlebells as possible. However, kettlebell swings can be one of the most beneficial exercises for improving your upper body strength and toning up your shoulders when performed with the right technique.


Don’t get me wrong, that’s not all this exercise is useful for. Kettlebell swings are also extremely helpful in increasing the control and stability of your shoulder blades. Not only this, but they also help to work the small muscles around your shoulders. Work with your personal physical trainer to understand the right technique for kettlebell swings to get the maximum benefit out of this exercise!


#5 Lunges


It’s no surprise that most people hate leg day at the gym when squats and lunges are at the top of the list when it comes to the most hated exercises ever. Lunges, like squats, are difficult to perform especially if you are not used to them. They can also sometimes get uncomfortable if you have some knee issues.


Some people also experience some stiffness in the hips as they are performing this exercise, which is why they avoid lunges. However, lunges can be extremely helpful to increase the muscle mass around your legs and glutes. This exercise also helps to improve your range of motion and correct your posture. Even if you are looking to whittle your waist, then lunges are a great addition to your workout.




Winding Up


Do you relate to this list? If you do, then you might want to consider switching up your daily exercises to include some of these workouts. After all, these exercises can be difficult, but they are also supremely beneficial in helping you tone up and increase your overall fitness! If you’re interested in learning more on how we help adults achieve their ideal health, please request an appointment at our personal training facility in Fort Myers. If you’re in pain and need help recovering before you start these dreaded exercises, then see one of our cape coral physical therapists




About the Author: Ashley Gray

Ashley Gray
“Physical Therapy & performance Tips From Physio Scott Gray…”
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