Are you making this mistake with your arthritis?
It is claimed that tackling the way the mind deals with pain might be as effective as anti-inflammatory drugs for aching joints. Scientists believe that medication, exercising, taking therapies and counselling could help retrain the brain to minimize the chronic pain that is felt by millions of arthritis sufferers.
Researchers concluded that mindfulness techniques could be better for patients than costly and potentially harmful painkillers. Remember, you state of mind is an essential element in your health and well-being.
Significance of Optimism
Optimism is quintessential for good health and there is growing evidence that many of the medical illnesses, stress and a negative mental state poses a negative impact on immunity, which is especially important in arthritis. Your brain has the potential of creating all sorts of adaptable prescriptions to nurture your body.
When depression sets in, you are less likely to take care of yourself, which exemplifies that the brain does not gets stimulated to produce those great natural remedies. Therefore, you don’t even exercise because of lack of energy. You don’t eat right and you lose sleep or sleep too much.
How Negative Thinking Makes Arthritis Pain Worse?
People who have a negative mind-set are more sensitive to pain, as existing pain can become more intense, and new aches and pains can develop. However, people who are medically healthy can experience moderate to severe pain when they are swept away by negative thoughts. This is because negative mind-set puts other brain chemicals out of whack- especially those that impacts how the body functions. There are two brain chemicals involved in regulating mood namely, serotonin and norepinephrine- who also keep the body running smoothly. These chemicals regulate your sleep, and they help aches and pains from dominating your attention. So if those brain chemicals are out of whack, so gets your body. You get more headaches, muscle pains, joint pain, and even digestive problems.
Make Optimism a Goal When You Have Arthritis
Good coping skills are an essential part of the picture. Begin by doing everything possible to keep your physical body in the best physical functioning possible. Try to treat your pain aggressively and early on. It is very important for you to figure out what can you control, in your illness because the more people take control of their treatment and activities, the better they can cope with their illness.
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Tips to Stay Positive When You Have Arthritis
• Exercise as much as you can
Research states that exercise is great for improving mood, decreasing anxiety and treating depression. A regular ongoing exercise produces long-term possibilities in the nervous system that promotes physical well-being. Exercise is a great treatment for arthritis, as it helps relieve pain and prevent disability. Lack of proper exercise creates muscle weakness, decreased joint motion, more stiffness & pain. Exercises aim to enhance the mobility and flexibility of your joints. Moreover, the most effective way to provide aching joints more support is to strengthen the muscles surrounding them. Strengthening exercises use resistance to build muscles and you can use your own body weight as resistance. Moreover, aerobic activities like walking, swimming, and bicycling can help build your heart and lung function, which in turn enhances your body endurance and overall health. However, you must be careful while picking activities with lesser impact on your joints, and avoid high-impact activities such as jogging.
• Do things that you enjoy
It is very important to take inventory of those people and activities that bring you pleasure, and try to build those into your life. For instance, if you love movies, try to see a movie once a week. So look for those things that give you relaxation and satisfaction, and nurture them. This will help you in building an optimistic, realistic and hopeful attitude.
• Visit a Physical Therapist
A good communication with your physical therapist or healthcare team is very significant. In case when you have flare-ups, your physical therapist will tell you what exactly to do. Your physical therapist will reassure you about all the possible causes of your pain and will guide you in your treatment and the attitude to adopt in order to enhances your daily life.
At first, arthritis treatment plans might seem overwhelming, but they are the path to your health and wellness. Implementing and sticking to your arthritis treatment and avoiding common mistakes you will be able to achieve the most effective results. When your physical therapist prescribes you certain medication or a physical therapy, he/she also provides you directions on how often you should take the medicine or participate in the therapy. If you do not follow those instructions, the only person who loses is you. Hence, it is best to make the commitment to follow your physical therapist‘s orders.
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About Author: Dr. Scott Gray
Dr. Scott Gray is an internationally recognized and expert physical therapist specializing in sport, athletic, and back and neck injuries. He is the inventor of a revolutionary form of treatment called the GRAY METHOD. This type of treatment unlike others, addresses the CAUSE rather than just your SYMPTOMS with a full body approach. For more information on how to ease or overcome your injury, go to