
7 Easy Ways to Start Getting Active

Categories: Physical Therapy

Are you getting enough exercise? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. In fact, 80 percent of the U.S. population falls short of the Physical Activity Guidelines recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Millions of Americans are at risk of serious health consequences simply because they sit too much and move too little. That information may not come as a surprise to you, especially if you are among the 80 percent. What might surprise you is how quickly and easily you can increase your daily activity level. Here are seven easy tips from our physical therapy clinic for getting some much-needed extra exercise in your life.

At Back In Motion, your good health is our number one priority. Keep reading to discover seven easy tips from our physical therapy clinic for getting some much-needed extra exercise in your life.

Not Getting Enough Exercise? Try These Seven Tips.

1. Participate in a New Sport

Exercising at the end of a long day doesn’t have to be a chore; it can actually be fun! Have you considered learning to play tennis, golf, surfing, swimming, running, or a team sport like soccer or softball? All of these sports provide different physical benefits and get you up and moving.

2. Walk More

Even for a quick trip to the mailbox or the corner store, many people automatically get into their cars. What if you walked for a few minutes instead of driving every day? Walking may not seem like much of a workout, but it improves circulation, exercises your legs and feet, helps you lose weight, keeps your joints limber, and relieves stress.

3. Spend Less Time Sitting

Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace, and for good reason. Standing at your desk instead of sitting can help you avoid unwanted weight gain, regulate blood sugar levels after meals, relieve back pain, improve your mood and energy level, lower your risk of heart disease, and add years to your life. You might even discover that you get more work done!

4. Try Biking

If walking to the corner store takes too long, maybe it’s time to try biking. Cycling works different muscles than walking, making it a valuable form of exercise. When you need to travel a little farther at a little faster pace, biking is the perfect solution. It also provides a substantial cardio workout.

5. Attend a Yoga Class

There are many ways to get physically active without running at a highly strenuous pace or lifting heavy weights in the gym. Yoga provides profound benefits to both the body and the mind by relieving stress, stretching muscles, increasing your range of motion, and helping you control your breath. A yoga class provides structured learning, a positive social environment, and a chance to connect with others!

6. Get Active While You Stream

If you’re like most Americans, you spend some time watching your favorite TV shows and movies each day. There’s nothing wrong with relaxing in your downtime, but if you spend hours a day sprawled out on your couch, motionless, it might be time to consider a change. Think about buying a stationary bike or treadmill to use while catching up on your stories. You’ll have just as much fun, but instead of lounging around, you’ll be getting in much needed exercise!

7. Play With Your Dog

Have you ever been astounded by your dog’s boundless energy and endurance? Dogs enjoy going for walks, running, playing catch, and exploring new places. Participate in these activities, and you’ll discover that your dog gives you a great workout.

One Final Tip: Make an Appointment to See a Physical Therapist!

Is pain or discomfort keeping you from trying out the activities on this list? You don’t have to let pain control you. Relief from pesky aches and pains is possible at Back In Motion.

During your first appointment with one of our physical therapists, you will be asked detailed questions about your symptoms and medical history. Your physical therapist will then ask you to perform some simple tests and movements. This will help them view first-hand any issues or injuries that are limiting your body’s functionality and range of motion.

Your physical therapist will then formulate a personalized treatment plan for you, that contains everything you need for pain relief and nothing you don’t. If you’ve been meaning to get active, but need an extra physical or mental push, Contact Back In Motion today to schedule an appointment with one of our dedicated staff members. A healthier future awaits!


About the Author: Dr. Scott Gray

Dr. Scott Gray is the Owner of Back in Motion Physical Therapy & Performance. Each and Every Week He Helps His Clients & Patients Live Their Life to the Fullest, Get Active, and Get Pain-Free.
“Physical Therapy, Fitness, & Performance Tips From Dr. Scott & the Back in Motion Team”