5 Signs That You’re at Risk of Falling
The gradual physical changes of aging make adults prone to falling.
If a recent report from the CDC is to be believed, people who are at least 65 years of age have a 25% more chance of falling. Additionally, if someone falls once, their chance of falling again doubles. This means that there are 50% chances that the person would fall again.
Undoubtedly, falls are a serious issue and are the leading cause of lost independence and ability.
Although falls cannot be prevented completely, you can definitely look out for certain signs to escape the trauma.
In this post, we’ll help you discern if what to look for and, most importantly, what you can do about it to prevent a fall.
Are You At Risk For Falling?
Here are several signs and symptoms that may indicate you’re at risk for fallling:
- You can’t get out of the chair without your hands
If you often find yourself taking the help of your kids or physical objects placed around you while getting out of the chair, the chances are that you are prone to falling.
This is because this behavior reflects weakness in the lower body musculature. This is the reason that you find it difficult to get up on your own without using your hands.
- You have to use your hands to get up from the floor
A lot of elderlies find it difficult to get up from the floor. This is because of their lost strength and stability.
If you are already finding it tough to get out of the chair without hands, getting up from the floor would be an even difficult task.
A simple misbalance can disturb your body orientation and you might fall.
- You find yourself tripping more frequently
This is another visible sign that indicates your lost stability. If you trip way often and often find it difficult to walk or if you reach out to the surrounding furniture and walls to keep yourself steady, you might be prone to falling.
This is because your body is losing the required coordination and flexibility to balance, thus making it easier to fall.
- You don’t feel comfortable walking or being alone
It is important to mention here that continuing to walk will improve your body strength, balance, endurance, and flexibility. However, most seniors become less active as they age and this triggers a negative cycle where less activity becomes a leading cause of declining strength and balance.
This makes you prone to stumbles and falls.
- You have a fear of falling
Various seniors develop a fear within themselves related to falling. This could be because of the declining vision or because of some prescriptions that induce dizziness. Further, they might also have a fear of falling if you they at an all-new place and are not much aware of the internal layout of the place.
The Solution? How Can a Physical Therapist Help?
Thankfully, physical therapists can help you in controlling the situation to a large extent. Balance training is found to be effective in improving the balance system, thus reducing the risk related to falls.
A physical therapist works by evaluating your specific needs and designs a program that helps you in strengthening your muscles. Strengthening exercises not only improve your body balance but they also help your body to respond better to a loss of balance, thus reducing the risk of falling.
Do not let the decreasing balance keep you restricted to your bed. Keep doing what you love doing with the help of our physical therapists. Call us today to know more.
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