
What Is Hip Bursitis?

Categories: Hip Pain

Understadning Hip Bursitis…


To understand what hip bursitis is, it is important to know what a bursa is. A bursa is a closed fluid-filled sac which helps in reducing friction between body tissues. The major bursae can be found adjacent to the tendons of the larger joints.


The hips have two bursae, the trochanteric and ischial bursa. They are adjacent to the edges of femur and pelvic bones. When the bursa becomes inflamed, we say somebody has a condition called bursitis. The inflation may be due to pain in the hip or stiffness around the area.


Causes of Hip Bursitis


Bursitis can either be infectious or non-infectious. A non-infectious condition is a result of the trauma or strain injury in the area. Also, the hip bursa can get a bacterial infection, something which is described as rare. This condition is called septic bursitis. The hip can also get inflammation from the crystals that are deposited from calcinosis or gout, although this is considered to be uncommon.


Among the risk factors associated with hip bursitis are activities which can cause strain around the hip area. These activities include moving up and down the stairs and repetitive activities such as exercising, among others.




The symptoms are dependent on the type of hip bursitis. For the trochanteric bursitis, there is some frequent pain and tenderness around the outer thigh. This makes it hard to lie on the affected area and also causes difficulty sleeping. This type of bursitis also involves a dull and burning hip pain that makes it difficult to walk, exercise or even climb up the stairs.


Ischial bursitis causes a dull pain around the upper buttock area. This is most noticeable when one is moving up the stairs or climbing a hill. The hip pain may also appear after sitting for a long period on a hard service.


Hip bursitis is normally diagnosed through clinical observation. A physical therapist will review the history of the hip pain to rule out other conditions.


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Home remedies


Non-infectious hip bursitis can be treated at home using available materials or equipment. The remedies include ice compresses, painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications. Although those measure may work short term, the best remedy is addressing the source of the problem by finding an orthopedic physical therapist.


To see one of our specialty trained physical therapists you can call 239-223-0484 to schedule today or enquire about schedule availability by clicking here



5 Natural Ways To Ease Or Overcome Hip Pain Stiffness




About Author: Dr. Scott Gray


Dr. Scott Gray is an internationally recognized and expert physical therapist specializing in sport, athletic, and back and neck injuries. He is the inventor of a revolutionary form of treatment called the GRAY METHOD. This type of treatment unlike others, addresses the CAUSE rather than just your SYMPTOMS with a full body approach. For more information on how to ease or overcome your injury, go to




About the Author: Harminder

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